Wednesday 26 November 2014

5 Perfume Favourites!

Description: This perfume is described as fresh, feminine and sweet and I couldn't agree more. If floral was a smell I actually believe it would smell like this. It's definitely my go to at the moment and look how pretty the bottle is! The smell does seem to fade a bit, but a re-appliance every few hours can solve this.
Longevity: 7/10
Price: £44.50 (30ml)

Description: This is also one of my favourites and definitely the strongest, long-lasting fragrance. It is described as fresh and captivating with soft femininity and sensuality. Although that's a lot of words for a smell, I think I agree. This is my go to on a evening or night out because it sticks with you wherever you go. As for the bottle, I think it's pretty simple and not too exciting, but who cares because it smells great!
Longevity: 9/10
Price: £46.50 (30ml)

Description: This perfume is described as floral, fresh and fruity which once again I completely agree with! This is the sweetest smell I own and is a perfect Christmas gift with such a minimal price. This is a great fragrance to carry in your bag and spray every now and again to freshen up. The bottle is a pretty pink and for the price it looks very elegant and cute.
Longevity: 4/10
Price: £5.99

Description: This perfume from Avon is a very feminine, fruity fragrance. It has a slight citrus smell to it and comes in such a pretty bottle. I think this is an excellent value for money as it's moderately long lasting and strong. It's a very summery fragrance and is great for a day to day, signature smell.
Longevity: 8/10
Price: £13.00 (50ml)

Description: For me, Vera Wang 'Princess' is a downright classic! It has such a sweet, fruity smell and I don't think you can go wrong with it. The bottle is girly, elegant and shaped like a heart. My only issue with this perfume is that I just wished it lasted a little bit longer. (But hey ho, there's a reason it's almost empty).
Longevity: 7/10
Price: £39.50 (30ml)

I seem to be forever on the lookout for a new perfume that's sweet and stays the long length of a day! If anybody has any recommendations please let me know!


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