Tuesday 30 December 2014

Best Moments Of 2014!

So, as its nearly the start of a new year, I have been reflecting back on 2014 and the moments which will forever last in my memory.

1. My brothers wedding
This year my brother Nate who lives in America had his wedding! It was the first time I got to be a bridesmaid and the pressure was on. I was incredibly nervous and my anxiety was flowing for this one event, but I honestly couldn't have had a better time. Everything went as planned and everybody looked beautiful, especially the bride. I met some of the greatest people ever and it was so good to see my brother (who I don't get to see a lot) smiling the whole evening and he even sang with the performers! My other brother who couldn't make it because of his commitment to the RAF recorded a beautiful speech and I blubbered like a baby. Overall it was such a great event and I will always remember it.

2. Meeting Rixton
This is a memory which definitely sticks in my mind. Me and my best friend got meet and greet tickets for a Rixton concert and it was such a funny experience. The nerves we had were so extreme while waiting to meet the boys and it didn't help that I was desperate for a wee (too much information). When we eventually met them they were all super nice and really funny guys. When it came to the concert it was amazing, they were insane live and I sung my heart out. After the show we ran in to two members of Neon Jungle which just topped the night off.

3. New York memories
New York is literally my favourite place in the world! Although its kind of crazy and the atmosphere is very loud, I cant help but love it all. On my trip there this year I toured around central park, got a picture with an Abercrombie model and ended up having a panic attack in McDonald's! But after an early night I soon recovered and was ready for the rest of the trip. The next day we got to visit the twin towers museum and it was such a heart breaking experience. It all seems so surreal and there was a few times I welled up, but it was so great to learn about it all. We ate loads of great food and walked around Time Square and I cant help but feel so happy when I'm in the state.

4. My brothers graduation
This year my brother Ben had his RAF graduation and it was such a great thing to watch. All of the boys which were with him did a parade and I was just so proud to see my brother doing what he loves. We then got to talk to a few of the men who had been training him and I don't think I could ever do something like this. This has been a great year for him and I cant wait to see him constantly doing great things.

5. Christmas time
I feel like Christmas is always a highlight of the year for me. I don't think you can beat the spirit and happiness everyone feels. Its a time to give and receive with the people you love and its such an exciting time. Its been a great one this year and I've had a very chilled out Christmas and I cannot wait to see what next year brings.

This is also the year I have started my blog! I hope to carry on throughout next year because I'm really enjoying myself. I would love to read what other peoples best moments of 2014 are, so I will definitely be looking out for similar posts.



  1. Thanks for sharing your highlights of the year. Glad you enjoyed it. Happy New years!
    Eduardo @ BoomingBooks
