Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Best Moments Of 2014!

So, as its nearly the start of a new year, I have been reflecting back on 2014 and the moments which will forever last in my memory.

1. My brothers wedding
This year my brother Nate who lives in America had his wedding! It was the first time I got to be a bridesmaid and the pressure was on. I was incredibly nervous and my anxiety was flowing for this one event, but I honestly couldn't have had a better time. Everything went as planned and everybody looked beautiful, especially the bride. I met some of the greatest people ever and it was so good to see my brother (who I don't get to see a lot) smiling the whole evening and he even sang with the performers! My other brother who couldn't make it because of his commitment to the RAF recorded a beautiful speech and I blubbered like a baby. Overall it was such a great event and I will always remember it.

2. Meeting Rixton
This is a memory which definitely sticks in my mind. Me and my best friend got meet and greet tickets for a Rixton concert and it was such a funny experience. The nerves we had were so extreme while waiting to meet the boys and it didn't help that I was desperate for a wee (too much information). When we eventually met them they were all super nice and really funny guys. When it came to the concert it was amazing, they were insane live and I sung my heart out. After the show we ran in to two members of Neon Jungle which just topped the night off.

3. New York memories
New York is literally my favourite place in the world! Although its kind of crazy and the atmosphere is very loud, I cant help but love it all. On my trip there this year I toured around central park, got a picture with an Abercrombie model and ended up having a panic attack in McDonald's! But after an early night I soon recovered and was ready for the rest of the trip. The next day we got to visit the twin towers museum and it was such a heart breaking experience. It all seems so surreal and there was a few times I welled up, but it was so great to learn about it all. We ate loads of great food and walked around Time Square and I cant help but feel so happy when I'm in the state.

4. My brothers graduation
This year my brother Ben had his RAF graduation and it was such a great thing to watch. All of the boys which were with him did a parade and I was just so proud to see my brother doing what he loves. We then got to talk to a few of the men who had been training him and I don't think I could ever do something like this. This has been a great year for him and I cant wait to see him constantly doing great things.

5. Christmas time
I feel like Christmas is always a highlight of the year for me. I don't think you can beat the spirit and happiness everyone feels. Its a time to give and receive with the people you love and its such an exciting time. Its been a great one this year and I've had a very chilled out Christmas and I cannot wait to see what next year brings.

This is also the year I have started my blog! I hope to carry on throughout next year because I'm really enjoying myself. I would love to read what other peoples best moments of 2014 are, so I will definitely be looking out for similar posts.


Sunday, 28 December 2014

Top 5 TV Series of 2014!

This year has been filled with TV binges and series obsessions. As this is the perfect time of year to be lazy and watch tv shows in your new onesie, I thought I would do a round up of my favourites from this year.

1. My Mad Fat Diary
This is one of the best, most relatable shows I have seen in my entire life. It is based on a real life diary and is told through the eyes of a 16 stone teenage girl, who has just come out of a psychiatric hospital. The story follows the everyday struggles that the characters suffer within their lives and almost anybody can relate to at least one of them. There is also a great romance which keeps you guessing the whole time. What I love about this show is that any age group could watch it and it really makes you think. Now I may have made it sound like a seriously deep show, but its actually super funny and they have recently announced another season which I cant wait for.
2. Orange Is The New Black
I love this show way too much! I originally found it on Netflix and instantly became obsessed with it. The storyline is about a woman who has to go to an all female prizon and it focuses on different characters life stories each episode. I honestly laugh so hard at every episode and I think it has a great mixture of comedy and deep storylines. The characters are all so lovable (but some are very easy to dislike) and most of them have had a very difficult past. I think I watched the first season within a week because I found it so entertaining. I seriously recommend this to anyone who has Netflix and needs a good laugh.
3. Orphan Black
Orphan Black is definitely not my usual TV series, but it was on Netflix so I decided to give it a go (then I got addicted and I couldn't stop watching it). The storyline focuses on Sarah Manning, who steals the identity of someone who looks exactly like her after she witnesses her suicide. My favourite thing about this show is Sarah's best friend Felix as I think I laugh at everything he says. If you like a gripping, scientific drama you will love this show and even if you don't, I recommend giving it a try.
4. The Originals/The Vampire Diaries
Im going to count these two as one because The Originals is a spin off of The Vampire Diaries. They both have always been great shows and if you love vampires, this is the one for you. The Vampire Diaries is about a teenage girl who falls for two brothers who happen to be vampires. Its your typical teenage guilty pleasure and I just love it. The Originals is based around the same thing, but is about an original vampire family and the battles and romances that happen within their lives.
5. American Horror Story
This is definitely one of my favourites, I am obsessed with this program. American Horror story currently has 3.5 seasons and every season uses the same actors, but tells a different story. At first I was hesitant because I didn't want to be extra scared, but once I gave it a try I fell in love with the show. There are a few creepy moments and it can be a bit weird, but most of it is easy to laugh at. The seasons include ghosts, witches, mental asylum patients and members of a freak show and each storyline has been insanely gripping.  The script seems to have the power to make me love and root for characters I technically should hate. I honestly cant get enough of it and I recommend it to all.

Friday, 26 December 2014

Christmas Round up!

First of all, I hope you all had an amazing Christmas Day and got everything you wanted. I think Christmas just makes me appreciate the great people that surround me and just take time to be a happy chappy.

I got up extra early (as always) and all of my family took their turns in opening presents. This year I think I went a little crazy with buying presents for everyone, once I started I couldn't stop. But it was definitely all worth it. As for the presents I received, I couldn't be happier. There are a few products which I think I will review in the next few weeks.

After all that, I got glammed up, put on the festive music and we were finally ready for the food. I can honestly say I may have eaten my own bodyweight, but who cares its Christmas! Overall it was such a great day and loads of fun. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did, I'm loving reading about everybody's day.

Take care and don't go too crazy on the Christmas sales (Just kidding, treat youself!)


Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas!!

Just a quick one from me today, I can't believe it's actually Christmas Eve. I just wanted to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and I hope you all have an amazing day! 

It's time to embrace the love that surrounds you, open all of your presents and stuff your face with food. Forget all of your worries and just have the best time!


Big love to you all :)


Monday, 22 December 2014

Christmas Day Part One!

So, as my brother and his girlfriend couldn't make it for Christmas Day, we decided to have an early version! The day was filled with Christmas spirit, fun games and a huge Christmas dinner. We all decided to get in the festive mood and just have a great day! (We even had a selfie stick!)

Highlights of the day:

1. Playing Mario kart and getting my competitive spirit out.

2. Finding out my brother had been making a personalised, handmade frame for me for Christmas.

3. Stuffing my face with Christmas food and not even giving the slightest care in the world.

4. Everyone wearing their best Christmas jumpers and the Christmas cracker paper hats that it's kind of a rule to wear.

5. Listening to Christmas music load on my brothers speaker and singing my heart out.

Overall it was a great day and now I feel very impatient for the real thing! I hope I'm not the only one, is anybody else super excited?


Friday, 19 December 2014

Vegan Tuck Box Review!

My latest subscription is the Vegan tuck box. Now, I personally am not a vegan but I love to eat vegan snacks and try to eat plant-based food for the most of my diet. So when I saw this box on Ellie Gouldings Instagram, I knew I had to check it out. The parcel contains around 10 items for £20.00, although you can get a mini box for half the price. I've tried most of the items that are included and they have all been delicious.

The box includes:

1. Hoots smoked bacon multigrain snack
2. Justnuts fruitful cranberry bar
3. 9bar Indulge raspberry
4. Wholeplus Choc-orange hot-pot

5. Cocomels coconut milk caramels
6. Chocolate santa
7. Free chocolate covered pretzels
8. Mr Filberts sea salt and herb mixed nuts

9. Soffles chilli and garlic pitta chips
10. Olivebranch cinnamon sweet biscuits
11. Eggnog mix

If you wish to get yourself a vegan tuck box, the link is below.



Thursday, 18 December 2014

The Tangle Teezer!

Recently this has become my lifesaving product. If you don't yet own it or don't know anything about it, I'm going to give you some reasons why you should.

• It smooths the hair rather than making it frizzy, which I definitely need as my hair is coarse and gets frizzy way too easily.

• It untangles your hair so easily it's like a miracle is taking place. There's nothing I hate more than having painfully tangly hair, but there is literally no pain involved.

• Whether you have fine hair, thick hair, long hair or short hair (basically any hair) this brush will work for you.

• It reduces hair breakage, splitting and damage. This is something I worry about and the tangle teezer dramatically helps.

• It gives your hair a glossy shine and makes it feel very silky.

• It's practical for kids and I wish I had discovered this when I was younger. It would have saved my mum a lot of moaning from my corner.

• I honestly bought two so I could use the second to detangle my hair if it's wet.

• They come in many different colours. (This excites me way too much.)

So if I have convinced you to buy a Tangle Teezer the link is below!


Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Feeling the pink!

So, I've come to the conclusion I seem to buy way too many pink products! But I've got some great items, which I use frequently. So here's some of my favourites!

Mac Mineral Blush 'Petal Power':
This is the only blush I ever use! It's so pretty and can be used as both a highlighter and a blusher. Before using this I had never used a mineralize blush, but now I'm obsessed! Its a pink rose shade which shimmers in the light. If this colour doesn't float your boat, there are many other shades to choose from.
Buy it here!

Lush Lip Scrub 'Bubblegum':
This product is such a life saver! I suffer from very dry lips and this helps me out a lot. It smells and tastes gorgeous and once it's been used you can lick it away. My tip is to use this before you have got any makeup on because it can get quite messy. 
Buy it here! 

Clinique Chubby Stick 'Woppin' Watermelon':
I think I own most colours of the Clinique chubby sticks and this is one of my top colours. It's a very subtle light pink, although it looks like it's going to be a very strong colour. This was definitely my go to throughout the summer.

Nivea Lip Butter 'Raspberry Rosé':
I can't rave about this product enough! This lip butter makes my lips so soft and prevents them from drying out. It's quite thick and has a subtle light colour to it, but it soon absorbs into the lips. The smell is incredible and I am definitely going to buy all of the other flavours available!
Buy it here! 


Sunday, 14 December 2014

Top 5 Movies Of 2014!

5. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay
I wasn't excited about this movie because it was my least favourite book in the series, but I actually really enjoyed it. Jennifer Laurence is just flawless and the scene where she sings The Hanging Tree is so much more beautiful than I ever imagined. Watching this movie made me realise just how great this whole series is. I really can't wait for Mockingjay part 2!
Preorder it here!

4. X-Men: Days Of Futures Past:
The movie I was actually going to see was fully booked so this was a last minute decision, but I'm so glad it happened. Action/superhero movies are definitely not my first choice when I go to see a film, but this I really enjoyed. I had only seen one previous X-men when I was younger, so I thought I would get confused, but I didn't once. I also thought Jennifer Laurence was great (as always) and I would definitely watch the next one!
Buy it here!

3. 22 Jump Street:
Every great list needs a bit of Channing Tatum right?! They have done it again and come back with another hilarious movie. Jonah Hill has to be one of my favourite actors ever and he's so funny in these movies! This time they are going undercover in a college to find out who is selling drugs. I definitely laughed out loud many times in the cinema!

2. Gone Girl:
I have never felt so tense watching a movie before in my life. This film is an incredible watch! It's all very crazy but it keeps you guessing the whole time. I don't want to go too much into the story because I don't want to spoil it, but I can tell you it's a must-see!
Preorder it here!

1. The Fault In Our Stars:
I was very nervous about this movie because it's my favourite book ever! But I got the chance to go to an early screening and I was so happy to see it was made perfectly. If anybody needs a film that makes you feel every emotion under the sun, then watch this. It's a story of star-crossed lovers, who's beautiful love shines through such an unfortunate situation. I honestly think it's a must see and I recommend it to every single person out there.
Buy it here!


Friday, 12 December 2014

Top 5 Christmas songs!

5. All I Want For Christmas - Mariah Carey
This song is an absolute classic, it's one of those 'sing as loud as you possibly can' songs! It's definitely always on my Christmas playlist every year and always makes me smile.

4. Michael Bublé - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)
Michael Bublé is a bit of a Christmas legend and his smooth voice is always played in my home. This is definitely my favourite on his album and it puts me in the Christmas mood.

3. Band Aid 30 - Do They Know It's Christmas?
I had to add this song to my top 5 because it includes so many great singers and it's for such a great cause. Any song which includes Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith and One Direction, I know I'm going to love!

2. Ariana Grande - Santa Tell Me
If you know me, then you will know my slight obsession with Ariana Grande! I think she's great and she's done it again with this Christmas song. If you haven't heard it yet I strongly recommend!

1. PTX Christmas - The Christmas Song/ That's Christmas To Me
Another obsession of mine is pentatonix who are an acapella group (If you didn't know yet). Every year they do Christmas right and release beautiful Christmas songs, including originals and the classics. These are the ultimate songs to put me in the spirit and put a huge smile on my face!


Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Baked Sweet Potato Flat Fries

So, my latest obsession is sweet potato fries! I have literally been eating them every single day, in every single way. Now, I'm not a fussy eater but I hated sweet potatoes, which is why I'm so suprised to love these. But they are so simple and you can have them with just about anything.

1 Sweet Potato
Any Seasoning of your choice

First you slice a sweet potato into either the shape of fries or flat like mine.

Next you throw on any old seasoning. (I like a bit of salt and smoked paprika or chilli powder best.)

Then chuck them in to the oven for 20 minutes. (Give them a shake after 10 minutes.)

And there you go! I like to have mine with some ketchup or houmous but the choice is yours!


Monday, 8 December 2014

Glossybox December Review

Glossybox is a monthly subscription box containing 5 beauty products best suited to you and I'm slightly obsessed with it. All you have to do is fill in a beauty profile, which includes questions on your everyday look, hair type, skin type and product preferences. As well as the products, the themed box is always beautiful and great to use as storage. The products are wrapped up in pretty paper with a colour coordinated ribbon!

This month I received:

• Bellapierre Cosmetics Cheek & Lip Stain (Full Size) 
• SkinPep Hydra Boost Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum
• Essense Colour & Go Nail Polish (Full Size)
• Anatomicals Zap! Zap! Zap! Gets That Chap. Day and Night Spot Stick (Full Size)
• TRESemmé Renewal Hair and Scalp Nourish & Renew Tonic (Full Size)

This month contained many full size products, which I got excited about. My favourite product is the Hair tonic and I can't wait to use it. I also loved the spot stick, which will really come in handy when I break out.

The prices differ depending on which plan you choose but I'm on the monthly plan which is £10 per month. It is definitely great value for what you receive and I highly recommend subscribing.



Saturday, 6 December 2014

No7 Lipstick Review

So this lipstick has been my go to lipstick for the whole Autumn/Winter season. Its a lipstick which was my mums, so it's not a new one out there. It seems to be a miracle product, as it glides on smoothly and gives a great shine. I struggle to find lipsticks which do not dry out my lips and stay on all day. This doesn't seem to even rub off when I have a drink, which is one of my biggest peeves.

The lipstick that I'm rambling about is No7 Moisture Surge in the colour "Plum Beautiful".  I can't seem to find it anywhere, so I assume it's been discontinued. Although No7 have the Moisture Drench range that includes the same colour, which could possibly mean it's been renamed. I am definetly going to purchase one soon so I can try it and find out. 

I strongly recommend the colour and I honestly can't get enough of it. If you wish to purchase Moisture Drench in "Plum Beautiful" I've left a link below:



Thursday, 4 December 2014

Pink Parcel December Review!

Now I seem to have a strong love for subscription boxes, but this is one of my true favourites. Pink parcel is a subscription service which just gives us girls a bit of relief at that one "time of the month" we all hate.. The first box you receive is £5.95, after that the price is £9.99 a month. 

Within the pink parcel you get 2 boxes for later and a bag for now filled with your chosen product. (They supply you with your favourite brand, with a good selection including tampax and lil-lets.) You also get a box just for you, filled with surprise treats. (This is my favourite bit!!)

St Tropez Instant Glow Face Lotion:
I'm still yet to use this, but I know this is a great brand. The lotion is a wash off product, which is 
great for people like me who are scared of semi-permanent tans.
Loréal Super Liner Gel Intenza:
I'm so excited to use this product! I love gel liners and I have previously tried this one out, so I know it's a great choice.
Pukka Womankind Tea: 
I was hesitant over this tea, because I hate herbal teas that taste too leafy. But this was a nice, fruity suprise and although I overloaded it with sugar, it was not too bad.
Montezuma's Organic Chocolate: This milk chocolate bar was unbelievably good and I feel like I inhaled it, because it went so fast! (I have no regrets, it was so yummy!)
Peppersmith Fresh Mints:
I am still yet to try these, but I don't think you can go wrong with a good, old mint. The box is a perfect size to place in your bag, for whenever you fancy a fresh mint.
W7 Camouflage Kit:
I have previously purchased the w7 camouflage concealer kit, although I found it didn't work for my dry skin which is a shame. 

Also, if you are afraid of the packaging and if it's obvious to your postman what the box contains, then you don't need to worry. It's all packaged in white with one sticker on it (image above) which is pretty funny once you know what's inside.

If you wish to order a pink parcel for yourself, here's the link: www.pinkparcel.co.uk


Tuesday, 2 December 2014

It's Christmas Time!

So yesterday, (as it's finally acceptable to fully celebrate Christmas!) I decorated my house. This is one of my favourite things to do every year and it never gets old. Although I was listening to Christmas music in October, I now know it's officially time to celebrate the season.

10 Christmas favourites:
• Listening to loud Christmas music.
• Decorating the tree (If you haven't already).
• Wrapping and Opening presents.
• Making a wish when the angel is placed on the top of the tree.
• Advent Calenders.
• Spending time with people you love.
• Christmas Dinner.
• Lots of chocolate (Yay).
• Wearing ugly Christmas jumpers.
• Christmas movies!

Christmas for me, symbolises family and it's a time when I can just forget all my worries and enjoy what I have. (And stuff my face with loads of food!). So let's all celebrate the Christmas magic and may your days be merry and bright!
